In order to benefit from the EU-UK Trade Agreement ‘zero tariff’ (zero Customs duties), it’s essential that you provide evidence of the country of origin in the Commercial or Pro-forma Invoice for both B2B and B2C shipments.
Please do this using the statement below for UK or EU goods fulfilling the relevant rules of origin requirements. Without this statement, it will not be possible for DHL to claim the duty relief, and it may not be possible for DHL to amend the documentation post-clearance without additional charges, if at all.
The exporter of the products covered by this document (Exporter Reference No.*) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of [PLEASE COMPLETE] preferential origin UK (if applicable to the goods your sending).
(Place and date**):
(Name of the exporter):
Please see an example of Commercial or Pro-forma Invoice with the country of origin correctly indicated.

The goods Country of Origin must be calculated and recorded accurately, and it is your responsibility to do this.
*: The Exporter Reference No. is required for all UK to EU shipments (this reference is your GB EORI number). For shipments from the EU to the UK, the Exporter Reference No. (this reference is your REX number) is only required where the value of the shipment exceeds 6,000 EUR / £5,700.
**: may be omitted if the information is contained on the document itself.
Should you have any further questions you would like to ask, please email us at and we will try our best to answer any questions and queries you may have.